a summer flower offered by farmers market exhibitor's, i picked up this on one of my many summer morning treks to coffee hound.
turkey cookies go by the sheet for those stocking up for thanksgiving, exhibted by kellys bakery.
a renee' samples chocalate covered sesame seeds along with communicating their wide ranges of products and services like catering.
a renee' table trim, while in between greeting visitors to the booth, planning a layout for an upcoming catered event is underway.
did we mention paul dunn has a special subscription for anyone not currently subscribing to the pantagraph. free online vs. the centuries old tradition of a hard copy, times they are a changing. amazon announced a new reader wireless reader that will handle publications form newspapers to books and will utilize technology similar to cell phone connections, but with no fees or contracts. whether your into hard copy or soft copy the Internet gets better every day, i for one am thrilled to be around for the transition. after selling some 100 million magazines, papers, books, etc. its fascinating to monitor the magazine people adapt their content and features in various web presentations.
heads up on bloomington country club area car theft
thursday oct 25 late late or early early
auto theft ring hits b.c.c. area, 2 cars ransacked on northcrest, also on northcrest, e p martins Mercedes was stolen from in front of his home. which he later found and retrieved. reports indicate others were stolen around the bhs bcc area and at least 75 vandalism's.
be a stroll the hill sponsor
ads like this are currently $75 per month, and will appear on every post for the month. month to month, payable in advance. i have no numbers at the present time for traffic. you will have a hyperlink to your website. no contract. your best bet is to make a unique offer and test ads for response then keep doing those that work best. its one size fits all at the current time. e mailing your jpeg with instructions on a few lines of copy including your web address is all it takes.

portrait packages from $950 home or studio
head shots from $450 commercial $250/hour
photography copyrighted, anthony saluto , usage and or prints, gosaluto@bellsouth.net
news tips, downtown trivia, gosaluto@bellsoth.net
advertising information: gosaluto@bellsouth.net
Copyright 2007 Anthony Saluto Productions P.O. Box 3425 Bloomington il. 61702
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