Wednesday, October 21, 2009

saluto moves gallery studio back to loft

Copyright Anthony Saluto Productions p.o box 3425 bloomington il. 61702 ph 309 824 9176 em sites, , www.bnstyle.blogspot.comn follow me on twitter, coming soon, a new business edition.

gallery/retail space for rent. contact redbird management 454 4888

anthony saluto gallery/studio move
as before, i am moving the gallery and studio back to my loft on the fifth floor above elroys in the livingston building. take the elevator and call first for full service portraits, from children to groups and everything in between. commercial has been dominating my shooting schedule. more often than not jobs are booked from callers viewing my , i consider lack of customer convenient parking to have played a major role in limited traffic i would hoped to have experienced. yet commercial and portrait calls kept coming. i may have been more booked than i really want to be. the gallery was much like a long art or trade show, and with so many rotating through downtown over the course of an average year i consider it successful venture. the feed back and appreciation from gallery and studio customers was over whelming at times. i have been doing this 35 years, and still feel like i am practicing. i have many new products and prints i hope to be working on. i have about 45 head shots on the books along with some food photography for a restaurant chain. i completed my aerials for the shopping center on rabb road. and since going digital 4 years ago, i have an opportunity to produce the widest variety of subjects from personal to commercial than i could ever hope for. my gallery, was designed to be a giant portfolio showing my range of work. the range seems to hold my interest and challenge me. as for all the 35 artists living upstairs downtown, i highly recommend the experience of a solo gallery to develop new client work. if i had to rely on print sales off the wall it wouldn't have worked as well. what worked well for me was the range of assignments that i was able to discuss and or do.

stroll the hill will continue soon, bnstyle as well.

sthma, i am so invested now in digging up the truth and offering my own experiences opinions, i doubt if i will go long without new writings. a revenue stream would have to exist and being off the street and as available as i have been to comments will surely alter my story content. because as long as this plan is unfolding there will be situations that i wont think are making since. i will want to generate stories to support such a reconsideration. stay tuned.