Saturday, September 22, 2007

friday night shot on site weekender pictorial .. by anthony saluto

champagne on center shot on site friday night
kellys bakery & cafe, from left, jerica etheridge, melanie shellito, kelly mathy, laura sanseverino.

steve sharp guitarist / vocalist, performs at specs around town

addison elble plays violin by moon light in front of a. renee'

need a violinist,

drum beats pumps up the energy at specs around town

steve sharp working the strings at specs around town, (ph. 815 434 9424)

fox & hounds a downtown anchor hosts guest by twilight ,

doug & kathy johnson at eaton studio gallery

dr. carl cortese goes for the specs at specs around town

a. rene'e trio, from left, kim mixer, amy calhoun, cindy beier

micheal coons and annie rix, at a rene'e

jazz fills the air at fox & hounds as brian choban jazz quintet performs,

photography copyrighted, anthony saluto , usage and or prints,
news tips, downtown trivia,
advertising information:
Copyright 2007 Anthony Saluto Productions P.O. Box 3425 Bloomington il. 61702
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