snowmen art brings in 150k
as a pin made by the artist cindy sampson of le roy, sampson, has 200 agents that market her work to manufactures of all kinds. the art of the snowpeople, brought in $150,000 in a royalty deal with a firm that that featured the art on a candle ensemble and featured it in catalogs which they then utilized the school fund raising distribution channel. sampson also has a cat piece that is in walmart currently, the work has been added to coasters, place matts, door matts, many products throughout the gift industry. sampson says the Internet revealed many knockoffs of her work showing up on other products. sampson says she would walk in major trade shows and find things with her work on them that were not authorized. ms. smpson also is doing glass pieces and knitting outerwear. a talented artist with such marketing savvy is rare, when i asked cindy if you would be receptive to calls from my readers eager to get some advice on marketing their work, she said, "sure that would fine, i help others now".
cindy sampson poses before some of her work today at the third sunday market at interstate center
photography copyrighted, anthony saluto , usage and or prints,
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Copyright 2007 Anthony Saluto Productions P.O. Box 3425 Bloomington il. 61702
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