http://www.commongroundgrocery.com/by anthony salutothe sandwich i heard so much about from don, inspired me to track one down for a photo shoot. around 7 pm i do some shots, and decide i am ready for a bite and was absolutely amazed. the sandwich may be the most perfect level of moist that a sandwich could possibly be. the bread was delicious in in texture and taste. this particular version was without tomato's. if you've been looking for reason to stop in common grounds, this is a good one. I’m not telling the secret!
dvd review ...by anthony saluto
I am doing a DVD review on “The Secret”. I see it everywhere. In book form, CD form, abridged editions probably, online as a download maybe, but it’s a book and seeing it presented as a DVD was one more level of packaging I normally don’t see. On the flip side, the descriptions reads, “You’re holding in your hand a great secret of the universe”, in big bold letters. The cast is represented, in this documentary-style film, through continual commentary and consisting of leading scientists, authors, and philosophers. These experts all claim to agree on the theory covered in the work. They discuss the slam-dunk for achieving anything from money, home, spouse, life, and all the dreams you could possibly want your life to be. I related personally to much of the presentation and have seen the theory used in my day to day business and personal relations. This is a feel-good and motivational DVD. I’m glad I popped $35 for it at our local Barnes and Noble, and i may pass it on. editing, maggie saluto borkholder

By Anthony Saluto
With the historic walls of downtown boasting vibrant works of art, more colorful displays of talent are expected to be done. A wall painting was done in the alley on the side of Studio 222 by Marty Klopfenstein two summers ago with a poem provided by John Firefly, a local street poet, to add to its unique style. Alley art, as it is being referred to by downtowns Jeff Woodard, will most likely become more popular amongst regular visitors of the downtown area.
“The whole thing is that it was just an idea to bring attention to these older buildings…we focus on the facade and keeping up the front of the buildings, but it’s also, I think, important to keep up and take care of the backsides of the buildings too,” said Jeff Woodard, Director of Marketing and Public Affairs at the McLean County Museum of History.
This particular mural took about two days to complete and is the first of its kind downtown by Marty Klopfenstein. Other murals will be done in the future with the permission of building owners.
“The idea is that we would have four or five around the downtown area; not a great deal of them,” said Woodard.
Klopfenstein has done several murals in the area and recently finished one at a residence, featuring a cornfield. He has been a downtowner for about 4 years and is also a musician.
“I would love to do more exterior murals, commercial too, the work at South Beach Tanning in Normal was done by me as well,” said Klopfenstein. If I may suggest his cell phone is the best way to each this artist, phone, 287-8872 Other recognizable murals downtown include the wall of faces done by Mark Blumenshine along Monroe St. Some of the faces include Abraham Lincoln, Adlai Stevenson and others who were influential to Illinois history
editing, jeni nussbaum
photography, by anthony saluto, prints or usage, gosaluto@bellsouth.net
editing, maggie saluto borkholder