each bag has 115 tees .. each with trivia questions and answers, printed directly on them. in promotion quantity branding is available on one side.
http://www.golfteetrivia.com/ debuts in 6 million catalogs
I dusted off an old friend this summer. Golf tee trivia, a product I had sold to 10 thousand stores 20 years ago. Over the past few years I started to scout for a new package concept. Deciding on the burlap bag sample with a few friends as a focus group.
With the help of 2 of my assistants over the summer we tracked down numerous old customers, internet e-tailers, a few giant chains, and some media outlets. Then we sent out some fresh samples of the new package.
A large mail-order house is featuring the new package in six million catalogs this holiday. I have no idea how many they can sell.

I would welcome any local retailers that would like to stock the product, please contact me at, gosaluto@bellsouth.net
photography copyrighted, anthony saluto , usage and or prints, gosaluto@bellsouth.net
news tips, downtown trivia, gosaluto@bellsoth.net
advertising information: gosaluto@bellsouth.net
Copyright 2007 Anthony Saluto Productions P.O. Box 3425 Bloomington il. 61702
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